1st DigiTrust webinar : Privacy-Preserving Big Data Management and Analytics in Distributed Environments: Models, Issues, Proposals

The first webinar of LUE IMPACT project DigiTrust will take place on Thursday, 25th March at 4pm. Professor Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Excellence Chair in Computer engineering financed by DigiTrust, will give a presentation entitled “Privacy-Preserving Big Data Management and Analytics in Distributed Environments: Models, Issues, Proposals” The webinar will take place on Teams.…

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Keep up with our webinars!

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, a shift to homeoffice and virtual meetings has been essential to the success of our project. To ensure the continuity of interaction between our researchers and the scientific community, we have set-up webinars with our young researchers, with our senior researchers, and with…

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